Prostatitis is called the inflammatory process, hitting the prostate tissue and provoking her swelling. Inflammation of the prostate can suffer from just the male body, whereas this body has only the representatives of the stronger sex. Treatment of prostatitis – a necessity, which, after overcoming the man, 30-year-old milestone can occur at any moment, especially if you abuse bad habits, and his life is characterized by inactivity, frequent stress, excessive or very rare sexual activity. The risk of inflammation of the prostate is high in cases when a person suffers from urinary infections, regular constipation, and problems with immunity.
How to deal with prostatitis in various forms

Begin to treat the prostate it is necessary in a timely manner and with the advent of the first unpleasant feelings, and to how they will turn really painful symptoms. The longer a person pulls with a tour of the doctor, the lower is the probability that the manage to cure prostatitis without consequences for the health and life of the patient.
And because in some cases, the disease is asymptomatic, it is important to note also about the need to regularly visit a specialist, in order not to miss the stage where to treat inflammation of the prostate gland in men is not yet too late.
Inflammation usually takes place in the forms of:
- acute with the sudden emergence, tumultuous sharply pronounced symptoms (painful and complicated urination, pain in the various departments of the pelvic area, a whitish "threads" in the urine);
- chronic, with a slow, slow process, with the symptoms (same as you, and in a tight finish), the visible weakly or not at all missing.
The techniques that experts use to treat chronic prostatitis, is different from the methods of treatment of prostatitis in the acute form. If in the second case, sufficient to take down symptoms and perform a quick treatment of inflammation of the prostate gland in men, a chronic form requires a more profound and diverse effects on the prostate. The choice of how and what to fight against the disease, the definition of the specific and the most effective way to treat prostatitis is held by the attending physician on the basis of the results of the relevant examination.
How to properly treat prostatitis acute stream
To determine how to deal with prostatitis in the acute form with maximum efficiency, doctors in the first place to reveal, which factor triggered the inflammation of the prostate gland. According to the results of the survey is assigned a specific drug that will help fight against the disease:
- antibacterial;
- antimicrobial;
- antitrichomonal;
- antiviral;
- anti-fungal.

"Spotted" choice, and is therefore the most effective remedy for prostatitis is able to suppress the activity and reproduction of unfriendly microorganisms in the tissues of the prostate and urethra, and the fight with the most unpleasant and painful symptoms will complement the complex of therapeutic measures. For these purposes, – reducing spasms of smooth muscles of the prostate and bladder with a sigh of relief pain urination – you can use the following means of treatment of prostatitis:
- analgesics;
- antispasmodics;
- thermal microclysters;
- rectal candles (analgesic plus anti-inflammatory agent);
- massage.
- NSVP (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs);
- immunomodulators;
- complexes of vitamins.
After the treatment treatment of prostatitis in the acute stage would ease the pain, it is possible to supplement and consolidate the therapeutic effect of other procedures:
- rectal electrophoresis;
- UHF and MICROWAVE therapy;
- massage.
Also, if it takes treatment of inflammation of the prostate, the sick are advised to follow:
- dietary restrictions;
- abstinence from harmful habits;
- bed rest;
- sexual peace of mind.
All of the above means and methods of treatment of prostatitis in men in the complex allow you to accelerate the cure, which provide:
- they have anti-inflammatory effects;
- protiotokový effect;
- pain relieving effect;
- improvement of microcirculation of blood in the affected tissues;
- strengthen immunity.

Important: in some cases it is a complication of prostatitis and treatment requires further intervention. So when a serious acute inflammation may be a delay of urination, which is the most effective – troakara cystostomy (puncture of the urinary bladder (needling), in the suprapubic area). Also sometimes, for example in the development of an abscess, the treatment of prostatitis medicines and physical therapy is necessary to supplement, surgical dissection and drainage of purulent inflammation of the tissue of the prostate.
About how to treat prostate cancer in men, how effective therapeutic action and manage to avoid the serious consequences of acute inflammation, it is possible to judge on the restoration of tissue structure of the prostate, normalize the functioning of, the return of the optimal composition of the juice of the prostate, the deactivation and removal from the body resulting in inflammation of the exciters, that is detected in the analysis of biological fluids.
The means of treatment of chronic prostatitis
Treatment treatment of chronic prostatitis is an important part of complex therapy of this disease. In the course of the therapeutic modality applied effective methods, which allow you to have an impact on all aspects of the supply chain:
- to stop the spread of infection;
- restore normal blood circulation in the pelvic organs;
- regain optimal hormonal balance;
- strengthen immunity.
Treated in the chronic form of the disease, doctors recommend these medications:
- antibiotics (after the identification of a specific micro-organism, responsible for the arousal of the disease);
- NSVP (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs);
- anticholinergic (an antidepressant);
- immunomodulators;
- on angioprotectors;
- vasodilator medicines.

On the question, than to treat prostatitis in men with medications, experts reply: the complex of drugs, the basis of which are antibiotics. The most commonly chosen means from the group of fluoroquinolones – broad-spectrum drugs, which have the maximum ability to penetrate and accumulate in the tissues of the prostate, which affects virtually all groups of disease-causing micro-organisms.
The second paragraph of treatment treatment of prostatitis involves the use of alpha-blockers with which can be cured stagnant phenomena – one of the main causes of inflammation. These drugs improve the contractile ability of the prostate, normalize the pressure inside the gland, promote weight spasm of the muscles of the organs, relax the sphincter of the bladder. The data reception means in combination with the NSVP helps to get out of the basic symptoms of the "chronicles" – pain in my crotch and groin, flaky, rapid and painful urination, frequent (often unnecessary) night of desire. To cure prostatitis is also possible, provided that the use of drugs for relief of pain, not only analgesic, but also tricyclic antidepressants, which are able to block the histamine buds.
The task of immunomodulators, which modern medicine necessarily includes the effective treatment of prostatitis, is the correction of the protective functions of the organism, their renewal, and also enhance immunity. When inflammation of the prostate gland is very important: before that, how to treat this disease, emerging on the background of viral or infectious attack, it is necessary to obtain a sufficiently powerful immune system.
Chronic inflammatory defeat of the prostate develops when the problems with blood flow in the area of small pelvis, especially when the stagnation of blood in the capillaries, clogging which gives pathogens the opportunity to "impregnate" the tissue of the gland. Therefore, treatment of prostatitis in men include a reception angioprotectors and vasodilators (vasodilator agents): the first strengthen the walls of blood vessels and relieve swelling, regenerates the composition of the blood and overall, contribute to the normalization of metabolism, the other "cures" of the capillaries and "clean" the blockage. The complex of these funds will help improve the blood circulation in the pelvic organs and cleanses the tissue of the prostate.
And before that, how to cure a chronic inflammatory process of the action of the prostate gland completely, you need to undergo procedures, physical therapy and exercise therapy, as well as agree on such methods of treatment, such as restrictions in the field of nutrition, refusal of bad habits and the normalisation of sexual activity. Important: the understanding in the fight with chronic prostatitis, it is worth to note that this disease, and even cure, requires regular monitoring by the attending physician.
Cure prostatitis does not traditionally
Considering the question regarding what is prostatitis and how to fight him, we can not say about such phenomenon, as is the treatment of prostatitis in domestic conditions. Great popularity in this area enjoying the pumpkin seeds, where contains a large supply of trace elements, which are useful for the male body, and the most important of them – zinc. The daily requirement of the body in this element can be filled with the daily use of seeds in quantities of 30 pieces and it is already some time later the man will feel, as the disease recedes.
And if not cure prostatitis, then at least prevent its deterioration can with the help of the recipe of simple tools, which can be consumed once a year for the prevention of:

- Take 500 grams. peeled raw pumpkin seeds and 200 gr. honey bee.
- Seeds skip through a meat grinder and mix with honey, after which fashion small candy-balls, which send to the storage in the fridge.
- Consumed medicinal candies need 1-2 pieces before eating, dissolving, or chewing during a certain time.
Described by the "goodness" not only to protect the prostate gland from inflammation – often used for strengthening the immunity and improving the mood, that is also to be considered as important, if carried out self prostatitis in men in domestic conditions.
A significant beneficial effect have honey candles that they have on the body overall tonic effect, and complements his treatment of lesions of the prostate, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties. How to prepare a data tool, you need to:
- Take honey (15 oz.), flour (3 articles l.) and egg (1 piece), then mix everything thoroughly.
- From the resulting mass to form small candles and send them to the freezer for "determination".
- Use gold candles for the treatment of prostatitis should be twice a day for a period of one month, if necessary, continuation of the therapy after a break of 10 days.
At home prostate disease cures also using a soft bath, which is in the body eliminates inflammatory processes, relaxes muscles, is removed painful. Before that how to deal with chronic prostatitis a similar method (and therapeutic baths are appointed just with long-term therapy of the disease), will have to cook the coniferous infusion:
- Take a young, fresh, healthy needles (fir, pine or spruce – 50 gr.), grind it into a homogeneous slurry.
- The resulting mass pour the steep boiling water (950 ml) and push in the dark for two hours.
- The prepared infusion is poured into the pan with water, heated to 37°C (water should be enough for a session), the procedure to perform every night, continue up to 15-20 minutes.
Important: when home remedies need to know exactly not only than the prostate in men and how to get rid of prostatitis forever, but if such treatment is permissible. All activities must be in accordance with the gp – they can not replace the traditional medicine and rehabilitation funds, but only complement them.
Self prostatitis unacceptable
Inflammation of the prostate gland is a very sensitive medical problem, unpleasant for every man, both from the point of view of physical discomfort and psychological state. Sick, even begins to feel the manifestations of unpleasant and painful symptoms, a loss, see a doctor, unconsciously, out of fear of the possible diagnosis. It is not necessary, so how to properly treat prostatitis will only succeed provided timely initiation of treatment modalities. And because these diseases are very often accompanied by complications, it is important to remember about the need for comprehensive therapy and the inadmissibility of self-treatment without a doctor's supervision.