The question of increase of potency is a very common troubles men at the age from 50 years. For each person it is very important to stay a man in all areas of life, and sex life has for the male part of the population much more value, than for women, because subconsciously they feel much safer when they can satisfy your favorite. Increase potency in men after 50 years, is the current problem, and therefore a lot of thinking what to do, when the rising age and strength aren't you?
Because of what's going on

For starters, you need to understand the causes of reduced potency in men. In fact, the problems with potency may occur not only due to old age, but also due to other abnormalities in the body. Many of the men and 60 years remain full of strength and energy for sexual relations. Why some happening otherwise? The definition of the sources of this disease – it is already halfway to rebuild their forces. The main causes of the emergence of problems with potency:
Reduces the production of sex hormones
From the age of 25 to 30 years, in the body begin to happen changes, and it changes the quantity produced in the human body of sex hormones. It has nothing to do with the disease, and it is only the characteristics of each organism. For some men, in age after 50 years starts to produced by too little of the right elements, which entails a gradual reduction in potency.
Changes in the vascular system
With age, blood vessels wear out, and are much thinner than before, due to the loss of elasticity. For this reason, changing the patency of the blood in the vessels, than are already blood vessels, the less blood can pass through. In such a case, problems with potency arise from the fact that the blood in the insufficient number of surging into the penis organ.
Disorders of the cardiovascular system
In addition to age-related changes of blood vessels, may also occur disorders that prevent the normal muscular and vascular working of the body. For example, high levels of cholesterol in the body affects how the heart, so to tone all the muscles in general. Cholesterol is deposited on the walls of the blood vessels, which in turn prevents the outflow of blood in the body. As a result, violation of muscle activity and oxygen saturation of the blood leads to a reduction in potency.
Venereal disease
Prostate adenoma, urethritis are the causes of reduced potency in men.
Many youth believe that smoking, alcohol and harmful food, do not bring great harm, but it is a big mistake. An ulterior motive for some people, problems with potency arise at the age of 50 years, some a dozen years later. Frequent stress, depression, lack of physical activity slowly, but surely, lead men to the only – to a loss of potency.
In addition to harmful habits, on the potency of the influence of the profession of the men. If work is sedentary, the muscles eventually atrophy and become inactive, which leads to a reduction in potency.
How to deal with it
Image means to improve the potency there is a plethora of. But not rigid to yourself pills and pills, it is better to first understand the reason and try to uproot it.
To avoid all problems before they arise, it is necessary to keep in shape. 20 minutes of exercise a day reduce the chance of emergence of problems with potency.

Due to problems with the cardiovascular system produced by atherosclerosis, which blocks the blood supply to the sexual organ. To prevent its occurrence, it is necessary to exclude fatty foods from the diet, smoking, as well as get rid of excess weight.
To increase potency it is necessary to adjust the number of the right body elements, namely, the amount of calcium, zinc and protein in the body. Zinc is the most important, he is responsible for the release of testosterone, so first of all it is necessary to pay for its completion. In pine nuts, buckwheat rump contains a large number of the named element. With the intake of protein foods you need to be cautious – it cannot be in a large number of receive people who suffer from hypertension and heart problems.
To problems with potency may result and the accepted drugs, so even when choosing a common sedative is a need to consult with your doctor and carefully examine the side effects.
Also to strengthen erections, there are special exercises. They are in it, that a man shall suspend the stream of urine when urinating, then tightens and relaxes the muscles of the pelvic floor muscles, sex, about 40-50 times per day.
If this does not help solve the problem of potency, in the course are the means for instant increase potency. All the ways to improve can be divided into two groups: the drug funds and the means of folk medicine. If you need to learn more about each vehicle, their advantages and disadvantages.
Folk remedies
Folk recipes passed down from generation to generation, even grandparents enjoyed these methods. Before the use of any tools is recommended to consult with a doctor to avoid health problems.
Strengthen an erection can be a tincture with a Ginseng. Already in the final form it can be purchased in the pharmacy, and you can cook personally. For preparation will need to pour 70% alcohol (300 g) crushed Ginseng root (20 g). Take two-three weeks. Then the tincture is to be filtered, and take 20-25 drops twice a day for two weeks. Then a week break, and the course is repeated.
Treatment tincture of Eleutherococcus need to be done in the following way – the first day in a glass of water add one drop of the tincture, and every day the number of drops increases by one. Course of treatment should be held for 28 days, then you need to do a three months break and you can repeat the course. Means restores a man's dignity, improve erection.
Well help in this endeavor of tincture from herbs Shandra. For the preparation of tinctures need a liter of white wine to pour a hundred grams of grass. Leave for two weeks, occasionally shaking, then they can be consumed three times a day for 50 ml.
An ancient recipe to enhance potency is the use of Fenugreek. For consumption it is necessary a tablespoon of the seeds of Fenugreek pour a glass of hot milk, mix well and drink. Can be applied daily. The intake of therapeutic agents allows to improve the effectiveness after 2-3 weeks.
Contrasting water treatments will help stretch the blood vessels and increase the patency of blood on the sexual organ, which will lead to increase the potency. It is necessary to prepare two basin of water: one with hot, the other cold. Need to take turns sitting in the pot within 15 minutes for 30 seconds on each shower. The course of treatment is two weeks. At this time it is already possible to see a good result.
If problems with potency arise due to overwork and fatigue, you can resort to the next national way – take a bath with Lavrov leaf or Chamomile. To do this you need cooking sheets in pan, and then pour into a filled tub. It is recommended to take these baths for 15 minutes before bedtime.
Help drugs

In the first place it must be remembered that the main aim of drugs to increase the potency lies in the expansion of the blood vessels blood flow to the penis, as a result of what's happening erection. If the problem is not in the blood vessels and in the genital diseases, the medications listed below may be powerless. Before taking any medication, it is necessary to consult a doctor, as with any drug, there are positive characteristics and side effects.