In most cases is for the recovery of the libido and increase potency it is usual to use special preparations and nutritional supplements, as well as encouraging the means of folk medicine. In addition, this type of therapy involves changing the habitual way of life. In exceptional cases, applying the hormonal therapy. But this happens fairly rarely. Treatment of this type involves the use of artificial testosterone. Such medications are manufactured in a dissolved form for injection, capsules, ointments and implants.
Factors that adversely affect the erection in older men

All the male health is directly dependent on the amount of testosterone. If its quantity in the body is not enough, the problems begin with erectile function of men, decreases in sexual activity. Reduction of testosterone to a large extent conditioned by the way of life of men in advanced age. If a person systematically uses alcohol, smokes, takes drugs and leads a sedentary life, bad it will affect life in the future.
Other reasons for the reduction of male power:
- Impotence may be a result of prostatitis caused by bacteria. It can also be the result of various problems with the gland prostate or prostate cancer.
- If a person has a bad diet and weight problems, and also, if it makes systematic use of fatty and sugary foods, are interested in semi-finished products, testosterone decreases significantly. Under these conditions creates a favorable environment for the development of impotence.
- The efficiency decreases in case of frequent stress, emotional surge.
- If there are diseases, transmitted sexually transmitted diseases: gonorrhea, candidiasis, chlamydia, syphilis, and more. In a more advanced age the date of transfer of the disease is not so easy than in the youth and in most cases, the effect on the potency.
- If a man has elevated levels of sugar in the blood, as may occur problems with potency.
- Impotence may occur in diseases of the thyroid gland and the heart.
In addition, reduction of libido in men after 60 years may be the result of a sustained intake of anabolics and various depressants.
Preventive exercises to improve the potency of men over 60 years
Increase the potency of men over 60 years can be achieved in exercise and sport has a beneficial effect on the heart muscle (cardio). It can be light jogging, fitness, exercise, badminton, tennis and many more. Treatment should not be completely cure. If a man in my life, which is 60 or 70, and 80 years of age is present sport, something about problems with erection, you can forget. Permanent employment, sport stabilizes the blood circulation in the male genital organs. Systematically trained, a man can easily increase your testosterone levels.
Methods of training for increasing potency:
- Reaching 60 years of age, every man should systematically carry out comprehensive exercises Kegel. Help to eliminate the stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs. In some of the exercises dr. Kegel involved the muscles of the penis. For example, is a very good training is considered to be muscle tension in the penis during erection. The member must, as it would "bounce". The following exercise is done during urination, holding urine stream for a while. This exercise will help you strengthen the important muscles, and in the future will significantly reduce the risk of problems with potency. There is one more very convenient exercise of the muscles of the penis, which allows you to perform it at any convenient time. Training involves compression of the muscles of the pelvic floor muscles for 30 seconds. After it's release, and then again strain. Exercise repeated three times a day.
- Yoga exercises also act favorably on the potency. It is specially developed for men complex of yoga exercises, step-ups on erectile function. Properly performed exercises are able to increase sexual energy, strengthen the body and increase its stamina.
- Aerobic exercise. This kind of physical activity is shown not to all men at the age from 60 years old, but a consultation with a urologist, you can choose suitable kind of sport. Is it the usual walk in the fresh air, running, exercise, volleyball, soccer and other aerobic sports.
- About sex is simply necessary for the prevention of all kinds of "male" disease. The good condition of potency is largely due to the regularity of sexual life and training in this area. Doesn't have to have sex every day. It would be enough to once in ten days.
- Before proceeding to the treatment of a variety of infusion and decoction, it is recommended to examine the composition of the products and not to exaggerate with their use.
Diet for restoring potency

How to create the correct diet, you should stick to certain rules:
- Necessarily eat protein foods. It is necessary to try to exclude from the menu of fatty and harmful foods;
- Salt should be limited to 6 grams per day. Due to its increased content in the consumed food very poorly displayed fluid from the body;
- When disturbed erectile function, and men are encouraged to eat more greens, fruits and vegetables;
- Do not neglect foods with a high content of potassium and magnesium;
- Don't abuse the beverages (black tea, coffee). All of this can be replace teas to herbs, and fresh juices;
- Drinking alcoholic beverages is recommended to minimize the. Well suited a small amount of natural red wine.
If you follow all these simple recommendations, you can maintain potency even in adulthood and have the joy of the pursuit of sex for many years. The main thing — is to believe in yourself and your strength and regularly implement the recommendations of the attending physician, often be in the fresh air and less nervous. Be healthy!