Prostatitis — symptoms in men, treatment and symptoms

Prostatitis — one of the most common urological disease in men after 30 years. Every representative of the stronger sex knows what is prostatitis, and everyone hopes that the unpleasant diseases to pass around its sides.


Prostatitis — inflammation of the prostate gland, which treat not only with drugs, but also some folk remedies, proven over time. Again prostate iron or prostate – it is a glandular-muscular organ in men, located in the area of urinary bladder and controls urination, and also excludes a special secret that binds sperm liquid consistency.

Depending on the origin of the disease may be of bacterial or nonbacterial, according to the nature of the flow — acute or chronic. Acute prostatitis is most often caused by gram-negative bacteria, easily recognized and treated with antibiotics.

The main symptoms of prostatitis include pain, difficulty and painful urination, sexual disorders. Symptomatology very unpleasant, and so treat prostatitis it is necessary in the detection of the first symptoms.


The main reason for the occurrence of inflammation of the prostate gland – the penetration of infection into the gland, which contributes to a large extent the position of the prostate in a small saucepan.

The main way of penetration of infection in the prostate:

  • the declining – an infection gets into the prostate with urine.
  • ascendant — an infection gets into the prostate in the urethra channel.
  • hematogenous infection gets into the prostate with the flow of blood.
  • lymphogenous infection gets into the prostate with the flow of the lymphatic circulation.

The main causes and risk factors of development of inflammation of the prostate gland in men:

  • sedentary lifestyle, lack of physical load (stagnation of blood into the prostate gland).
  • the disruption of the normal rhythm of sexual activity — irregular sex, prolonged abstinence.
  • hypothermia in the children's or adult age (in particular, the relevant parts of the body).
  • the disease, transmitted sexually transmitted infections (chlamydia, trichomoniasis, gardnerellosis or gonorrhea).
  • another reason may be the trauma to the tissues and organs of the small pelvis.
  • reduced immunity in boys, boys and men.
  • an unbalanced diet (such as fried, fatty, sugary food is 70% of the diet). Excessive drinking of alcohol.

All of the listed conditions can contribute to the penetration of bacteria into the prostate, and thus lead to stagnant processes, worsening the supply of blood to the organs of small pelvis, which subsequently leads to an increase in the number of microorganisms and the progression of inflammation. In connection with this, it is necessary to treat prostatitis in a timely manner, then complications will not harass you.

symptoms of inflammation of the prostate

Symptoms of inflammation of the prostate gland in men

Frequent urination, a weak stream of urine and pain during the process, the increase in body temperature, burning sensation in the groin area, painful defecation – these are the first symptoms of acute inflammation of the prostate gland in men. Also should pay attention to such clinical symptomatology:

  • irregular and difficulty in urination;
  • violation of the mechanism of the erection;
  • the appearance of a burning sensation in the urethra and in the groin;
  • increased is absolutely necessary, urge to excrement;
  • stretching discharge from the urethra;
  • the floating fibres in the composition of the urine;
  • long-lasting erections, faster ejaculation;
  • the manifestation of orgasm cleared form;
  • increase the overall fatigue of the organism;
  • an alarming condition, psychological depression;
  • a substantial reduction in potency.

It is worth noting that, in the chronic form of inflammation of the prostate symptoms may how and ever manifest, and then add the other symptoms.

Symptoms of inflammation of the prostate

In most cases, acute prostatitis begins with the symptoms of increased body temperature to 39-40° C , fervour and chills. Urination difficult and painful. Develops swelling of the prostate, which may cause severe delay urination. In addition, they are sufficiently clear and pain in the area of the perineum, which shall be transmitted to the groin area.

As far as the chronic inflammation of the prostate gland, in rare cases, it becomes the result of the acute process, however, as a rule, develops in the primary of chronic prostatitis is cleared symptomatology. From the acute form of chronic differs in that it takes place without pronounced symptoms, it is latent, with no noticeable symptoms.

In the period of exacerbation of the inflammation of the prostate of patients troubled by symptoms are feelings of pressure in the crotch area and a rear passage, a dull pain, gives in the sacrum, perineum, rectum, groin area.

chronic prostatitis

Symptoms of chronic inflammation of the prostate gland in men:

  • significant deterioration of erection;
  • decreased libido;
  • the weakening of the jet during urination;
  • gnawing pain in the groin, the sacrum, the anus;
  • discomfort and a burning sensation in the urethra;

Sometimes patients neglect the symptoms of inflammation of the prostate gland, relying on the availability of adenoma of the prostate. It cannot in any case admit, because the treatment of adenoma can be radically different from how to treat prostatitis.

The consequences

What happens if you do not treat prostatitis using antibiotics and other remedies? Waiting for you these complications:

  • reduced potency;
  • infertility;
  • severe pain in the groin;
  • depression, etc.

To draw attention to the consequences of inflammation of the prostate, it is necessary to devote to my health more attention, timely examined and treated at the doctor-the urologist.

Treatment of inflammation of the prostate

When expressed intoxication, suspected on the festering heap of a process is indicated by the hospitalization. Patients with uncomplicated sharp inflammation of the prostate undergo a course of treatment at the urologist or andrologist outpatient.

To cure prostatitis, you will have to follow the entire complex of the special events that consistently follow each other. Than to treat prostatitis, the drugs that are prescribed in the first place — antibiotics, especially as regards the infectious origin of the disease.

Treatment treatment consists of the determination of these drugs:

  • antibacterial drugs — treatment is carried out for the destruction of the infection;
  • anti-inflammatories pays for the alleviation of inflammation, which is characteristic for the disease;
  • medications, to improve blood circulation;
  • medications, the removal of spasm of the urethra;

As a further measure, it is very often prescribed for prostate massage. It promotes faster recovery, as well as reducing the painful sensations. According to reviews, this is a very useful procedure. The intervention of surgeons recommended if the urogenital canal is narrowed and requires the removal of adenoma of the prostate.

How to treat prostatitis comprehensively? For this they use all possible methods is prescribed:

  • diet, lifestyle change;
  • treatment treatment;
  • physiotherapy;
  • prostate massage and exercise therapy;
  • symptomatic treatment;
  • folk remedies of inflammation of the prostate
  • treatment of concomitant pathology;
  • psychotherapy.

Also, do not forget that the treatment of prostatitis folk remedies gives good results only in combination with the main treatment. Therefore, it is recommended to engage in self-medicate at home.

cure for prostate inflammation

Treatment with antibiotics

Antibiotics are necessary for acute and chronic bacterial inflammation of the prostate gland, and flowing without obvious symptoms, and also as a trial therapy in the non-transferable nature of the emergence of inflammation of the prostate gland, as a test-therapy. Therefore, before starting the course of treatment, it is necessary to undergo an examination and find out the type of pathogen.

Treatment treatment of inflammation of the prostate involves the use of various antibiotics, which have a wide range of events:

  1. Macrolides.
  2. Tetracyclines.
  3. Penicillins.
  4. Cephalosporins.
  5. Fluoroquinolones.

It is worth remembering that the scheme of the treatment prescribed strictly professional, where is the use of antibiotics is one of the leading links in the chain.

How to treat prostatitis at home

Treatment of inflammation of the prostate gland in domestic conditions it is advisable in the chronic form. In this treatment of folk remedies can help to increase the overall resistance of the organism and relieve pain.

  1. Take 2-3 g of dry, pounded into powder tubers orchids, soak a little water, and then pour 500 ml of boiling water and cook 10 minutes on low heat. Then insist 30 minutes, strain and take three times a day half a cup.
  2. A decoction of the root proskurníku – 40 g pour 200 ml of water and boil for half an hour, take a 60 ml together with meals 3 times a day.
  3. Nice helps extract of propolis. This shows the evaporation of 40 grams of propolis at 0,2 l 96%-th alcohol. Production of 0.1 g of extract and 2 g of butter, cocoa, candles and enter their rectal once a day. Course duration is 2-3 months, with a break of a month.
  4. A decoction of celery – 20 g pour 200 ml of water and cook 12 minutes, drink 100 ml 3 to 4 times per day.
  5. As supporting elements of folk medicine advises to use the seeds of certain plants. Very useful will be the seeds of the pumpkin, because it will enrich your body linoleic acid and zinc. If you have decided to do away with the inflammation of the prostate, eat the seeds of poppy, sesame and sunflower.

In addition, treatment of folk remedies involves the complete rejection of alcohol.

Candles with propolis from the inflammation of the prostate

For the treatment of inflammation of the prostate gland in the initial stage, you can use special candles with propolis, which can be done at home by yourself.

candles with propolis

To 50 g of crushed propolis and pour 50 mg 96% ethanol. Take in a secluded place 2 weeks ago, without forgetting the cocktail of the day. After the expiry of the deadline tincture of propolis evaporated on a water bath to acquisition them a brownish-yellow color and softening to the consistency of honey.

In parallel, on a water bath to melt 20 g of butter, cocoa and mix with 1 g was obtained from the propolis. From the resulting mass produces 10 rectal candles and are moved to storage in the fridge. One candle injected rectally at night every day. Duration of application of 30-35 days. Recommended to go through 3-4 of the course in the interval between them for a period of 30-60 days.