Inflammation of the prostate called prostatitis. Currently, urologists are inclined to the view that prostatitis is not a single disease, but combining more of the disease the male sexual sphere. This is one of the most common diseases of the male genitourinary tract, and, according to experts, is the percentage of men who suffer from inflammation of the prostate in one form or another is constantly growing.

What is the cause of the inflammation of the prostate, what are the first signs and symptoms in men, and it is prescribed as a treatment during the acute phase of the disease — we will know further.
What is prostatitis?
Prostatitis — is the most common urologovécal pathology in men in reproductive age. According to surveys, every third of them at least once in life experienced the symptoms that may be treated, such as inflammation of the prostate gland.
Prostatitis develops when the penetration of the infectious agent, which gets into the tissue of the prostate of the organs of the urogenital system (urethra, bladder), or from a distant inflammatory focus (pneumonia, influenza, angina, furuncles). There are a number of risk factors increasing the likelihood of developing inflammation of the prostate gland.
The prostate: what is it?
Prostate — it is a whole organ the size of a walnut. Location is in men prostate cancer — between the back passage and the base of the penis. For men's health this institution is so important that sometimes it is referred to the second heart of men.
Of course, that even with the problems with it can live quite a long time, by holding the medicines, but much better, if we can maintain prostate health for many years. When all the problems in this part of the treatment is to be long and complicated.
On the photo it is seen that it is unpaired endocrine gland. With age increases and changes its appearance, the maximum size is in the range of approximately to 20 years, who reside physiologically correct to 45 years.
After achieving the man of 45-50 years, the prostate gland the iron starts to grow again, causing BPH. Benign prostatic hyperplasia – often occurring in medical practice phenomenon, as is the senile wrinkles, gray hair or a decrease in potency. The glandular fabric is responsible for the production of hormones and the juice of the prostate, the muscle – preservation of the lumen of the urethra in the correct diameter.
The volume of the organ in general depends on the character of men, but the average indicators are the following:
The normal size of the prostate | |
The width of the |
The thickness of the |
The length of the |
Weight |
The prostate gland is involved in the formation of the seminal fluid. The juice of the prostate contains proteins, fats, some vitamins, enzymes. Her secret is significantly dilutes the sperm, which contributes to increase the vitality of sperm and the passage of their long journey inside the genital tract of women.

Signs and symptoms of inflammation of the prostate, such as its treatment, is sufficiently varied, which is due to the presence of the disease in a few species. Above all, it is prostatitis in men becomes:
Acute prostatitis
Acute. Often has a festering heap of character. Signs of inflammation in men, and that both general and specific, distinctive maximum, and the causal is pathogenic flora. Therefore, the treatment of men and women, in most situations, the appointment of antibiotics.
- hit of infection in sexual contacts with an infected partner;
- the presence of the catheter in the urethra;
- surgical interventions in the urethra;
- stones and sand in the kidneys.
This form of the disease is relatively easily diagnosed and treated through use of antibiotics. At the same time in men very often occur cases of chronic non-bacterial inflammation of the prostate, which is more than difficult lends itself to diagnose and has no connection with a certain lesion is of infectious nature.
The chronic form of the
Prostatitis chronic course develops gradually. Initially, symptomatology weak, little bother the man, but by the time it accrues. Soon the slight discomfort becomes a serious problem. Therefore, at the first sign it is necessary to turn to the urologist, which will help you to get rid of the inflammation and banish him to a long remission.
Also exclude:
Infectious prostatitis. The danger of this disease is that the infection not only affects the prostate gland, but also the neighboring organs (bladder, rectum).
Bacterial vaginosis. The main reason is the weakening of immune forces of the organism, this may occur:
- diseases (AIDS, tuberculosis, diabetes, etc.);
- hypothermia;
- a stressful situation,
- heavy physical load;
- bad habits, addiction.
The causes are bacteria of certain species. To them can be attributed to:
- intestinal wand;
- aureus;
- Pseudomonas wand;
- chlamydia and Trichomonas;
- the bacteria Mycoplasma.
The first symptoms in men
The first symptoms of inflammation of the prostate gland, to which man must necessarily pay attention to and contact the urologist:
- Severe pain when urinating. After the completion of the process is to feel the unpleasant burning sensation.
- The increase in the temperature of the body.
- The feeling of not completely empty the urinary bladder.
- Discomfort in the groin area and groin area.
- Insufficient pressure of the nozzle during a visit to the toilet.
All these are the first symptoms of acute inflammation of the prostate gland. A moment later, they can go through themselves. But it is not worth the pleasure. The infection remains in the body. Therefore, it must be treated to prevent further outbreaks of pain syndrome and complications.
The first signs of inflammation of the prostate gland in men in the chronic form almost identical represented the acute phase of the disease, but in addition be accompanied by:
- a significant reduction in the pleasure of sexual intercourse, the so-called "oiled" orgasm, in which the former lack the sharpness of feelings and full of satisfaction out of.
- Similarly, men may notice how during the emptying of the intestines, of the urethra secretes a slime.
The causes of
Prostatitis – is inflammatory changes of the prostate gland and it is necessary to realize that problems are not only under the influence of bacterial microflora. Causes of inflammation can be any of the factors that lead to tissue damage, the gland and the destruction of his cells.
The main reasons for inflammation of the prostate gland in men
- Obesity and a sedentary lifestyle impair the circulation of blood in the whole body, but especially in the pelvic area. Stagnant processes and are a common cause of inflammation of the prostate
- Infectious diseases. This can be how sexually transmitted disease, and these infections, such as tuberculosis, which affects several organs
- Injuries in the groin area
- Hypothermia also becomes a common cause of inflammation of the prostate gland
- Various diseases of the intestines, which are moved to the reproductive system (bacterial and infectious)
- Inflammatory processes of surrounding tissues and organs.
Some factors increase the risk of developing the disease:

- young and middle age;
- episodes of inflammation of the prostate gland, which occurred in the past;
- infection of the bladder and urethra;
- injuries to the pelvis, most often occur during skiing, cycling and horse riding;
- dehydration (lack of fluids in the body, most often due to a variety of diseases, work in conditions of elevated temperatures);
- the use of urinary catheter (a special tube that you insert through the urethra into the bladder – applied in various diseases, during, and after surgical interventions);
- promiscuous communication, unprotected sexual intercourse;
- frequent stress;
- heredity: some genes may make a person more prone to the development of inflammation of the prostate gland.
Symptoms of inflammation of the prostate
All the symptoms of inflammation of the prostate can be divided into 3 large groups:
- Violation of the functions of the urinary apparatus. Otherwise, this group of attributes is called the "dysuric disorders". Here also should include symptoms, pointing to developments in the prostate the inflammatory process.
- Disorders of the sexual sphere, the specific for inflammation of the prostate gland.
- Changes from the nervous system, caused by the main process. Feature of the disease.
Regardless of the course of the disease can be distinguished several basic symptoms:
- body temperature between 37 to 40 degrees;
- body aches, chills;
- burning sensation in the urethra;
- painful sensations during urination;
- the overall weakening of the body;
- sleep disturbances and psychological state, increases the likelihood of stress and depression;
- change the color of urine;
- feelings of pain in the back passage;
- erectile dysfunction, rarely impotence;
- premature ejaculation.
Pain attacks in the inflammation of the prostate can be long-term and short-term. If it does not disappear for a long time, the quality of life of men is greatly reduced. It will start to bother neurosis.
Soreness in the inflammation of the prostate arises in the following cases:
- At the time of onset of erection.
- During the urination.
- In a moment of intimacy.
- In the process of defecation.
- After a strong hypothermia.
- Due to excessive physical exertion
The symptoms of acute inflammation of the prostate gland in men
There are three phases of acute inflammation of the prostate, which are characterized by the presence of certain clinical presentations and morphological changes:
- Acute catarrhal cleavage of prostatitis. Patients have complaints on the frequent, often painful urination, pain in the sacrum and groin.
- Acute follicular. The pains are more intense, sometimes radiating to the back passage, are more intense during bowel movements. Urination difficult, urine flows in a thin stream. In some cases, celebrating the retention of urine. Low-grade fever or mild hyperthermia.
- Of acute prostatitis. A significant total of intoxication, hyperthermia up to 38-40°C, chills. Dysuric disorder, often acute urinary retention. Sharp, throbbing pain in the groin. Trouble the act of defecation.
What other symptoms of inflammation of the prostate observed in men?
- Often suffer from disorders of the sexual function. Initially slightly reduced sex drive, is a weakened erection.
- If the inflammation affects the testicles, then a man may complain of premature or painful ejaculation.
- The sexual act becomes only momentary, and after the restoration it takes much more time.
- In the later stages of prostatitis can result in impotence, that is, in many cases, the main motive for the appeal to the doctors.
Symptoms of chronic forms of
It is possible that the patient had a more pronounced acute period, and the diseases, bypassing him, it will pass in the chronic form.
In this case, the symptoms will be the following:
- Dull pain in the region of the anus after a bowel movement, gives in the coccyx;
- Regular or irregular pain in the groin;
- Hiking toilet does not cause special difficulties, but for the beginning of urination has to have a little strain your abdomen. The patient, which highlights the special attention;
- Sometimes after urinating there remains a burning sensation in the urethra area.
The first symptoms of chronic inflammation of the prostate may manifest itself for a long time. Can fade away, then give of yourself to know again.
In the majority of men of the same inflammation of the prostate does not show himself in a clear manner. Placed in a hidden state signs of inflammation of the prostate gland manifest themselves only some slight problems:
- frequent urination,
- recurring discharge from the urethra,
- burning and itching in the ureter,
- reduced potency,
- the decline in semen quality, and, as a consequence, the inability to get pregnant,
- as well as pain in the area of the mons pubis, the perineum and the genital organs.
The consequences
Possible complications of prostatitis include:
- the bacteremia – bacterial infection in the blood;
- epididymitis – inflammation of the epididymis;
- abscesses of the prostate gland – education in the of the prostate the abdominal cavity filled with pus;
- violations of the sperm and infertility – complications, more typical for chronic inflammation of the prostate gland;
- increase in blood prostate-specific antigen (PSA).
Adenoma of the prostate, which is harmless education also often develops as a result of inflammation of the prostate gland. When adenoma surgery is inevitable.

The most formidable complications of the inflammation of the prostate gland in men – prostate cancer, which is fraught with serious consequences.
Treatment of inflammation of the prostate gland in men
Treatment of inflammation of the prostate is carried out depending on the form of the disease. Acute inflammation is an indication for hospitalization of the patient in urologovécal the hospital, in chronic patients undergo a course of therapy in the home environment. If it is the cause of the disease was the infection transmitted sexually, appointed by the antibiotics must be taken by both partners.
In the treatment of acute prostatitis important immediate implementation of the systemic antibacterial therapy. Most often the attending physician will prescribe a patient receiving trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, tetracycline, fluoroquinolones. In the case that the manifestations of inflammation of the prostate as a result of sexually transmitted diseases treatment also includes intake of Ceftriaxone, doxycycline and other
To the basic group of medicines include:
- Antibiotics. Used in the form of tablets, capsules, suppositories, syrups and other species.
- The Anti-inflammatories.
- Analgesics.
- Products to enhance immunity.
- Vitamins.
- Anti-stress medication.